
Space to Pause is home to a range of tools that help you to pause, replenish, and re-centre yourself.

In a world that often values fast over slow, and productivity over sustainability, it can be hard to find respite from the pressure. Space to Pause offers an antidote through weekly reflection circles in groups for women and through individual massage therapy for all.

find out more about women’s circles

find out more about massage therapy

Space to Pause was created by Eloïse Haylor to celebrate and share the practices that have helped her and others.

about eloïse


Eloïse enjoys nurturing ideas and people. She is happiest when on the move, be it across continents, the dancefloor, or a yoga mat.

Her studies in Geography laid the ground for her work in system change, from the global to the personal. She has developed new collaborative initiatives internationally, working with Project Everyone on the UN Global Goals campaign, Colombian charity Wom-En, and most recently with Big Change where she co-created the Big Education Conversation and the Catalysts Learning Alliance.

Alongside this global work, Eloïse is focused on helping individuals cultivate spaces to pause in their daily lives through her practice as a massage therapist, circle facilitator, and grief tender in training.

Reflecting inwards always, she is particularly curious how inflammation, stress and trauma can powerfully shape the mind and the body. The more she explores, the more she appreciates the wisdom of tools that attend to both as an integrated and dynamic whole, and looks forward to sharing her learning with others through Space to Pause.